Thursday 10 July 2014

30 Day Grey's Anatomy

Yesterday on Instagram I started the 30 Day Grey's Anatomy Challenge and I am going to start it on here two. This is the list for the challenge:

Day 1: Favourite Male Character?
Day 2: Favourite Female Character?
Day 3: Favourite Friendship?
Day 4: Favourite Couple?
Day 5: Least Favourite Male Character?
Day 6: Least Favourite Female Character?
Day 7: Least Favourite Friendship?
Day 8: Least Favourite Couple?
Day 9: Favourite Actor?
Day 10: Favourite Actress?
Day 11: Favourite Season?
Day 12: Least Favourite Season?
Day 13: Favourite Quote?
Day 14: Favourite Episode?
Day 15: Least Favourite Episode?
Day 16: Favourite Elevator Scene?
Day 17: Favourite Surgery?
Day 18: Favourite Place in the Hospital?
Day 19: A Scene That Made You Cry?
Day 20: A Scene That Made You Laugh?
Day 21: A Scene That Made You Angry?
Day 22: Most Epic Grey’s Anatomy Moment?
Day 23: The Character Who You Miss The Most?
Day 24: Favourite Season Finale?
Day 25: Saddest Death?
Day 26: Best Dancing Scene?
Day 27: If you were ill, who would you want to be your doctor in Seattle Grace?
Day 28: The Most Underrated Character?
Day 29: The Most Overrated Character?

Day 30: You all-time Favourite Thing About Grey’s Anatomy?

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