Monday 21 July 2014

30 Day Grey’s Anatomy Challenge

30 Day Grey’s Anatomy Challenge - Day 11

Favourite Season - Season 9

Season 9 was by far my favourite season. There was the aftermath of the plane crash (after the deaths of Lexie and Mark, which took basically the whole season to get over). Richard cheating on Adele (during the end of Season 8, then Adele died halfway through the season). Alex making out with basically every intern before leaving (then deciding to stay in Seattle for Arizona, which led to having feelings for an intern who just started dating a resident only to have been punched by him, then Alex confessing his love for this intern). Cristina and Owen got a divorce (after a year arguing about their marriage, which led them to dating each other again). Callie and Arizona had ups and downs (Callie making the decision for Alex to cut Arizona's leg off and then becoming stronger, which led to Arizona cheating on Callie). April having her ups and downs (having sex with Jackson, which led to a pregnancy scare, then breaking up, having a on and off relationship with one of the paramedics, leading to a proposal). Bailey getting investigated by the CDC (after getting married and three of her patients were having post-op infections). But the most happiest and stable couple throughout this season were Meredith and Derek, who after the death of Lexie began to realise that life is worth living and helping each other through the Season (Meredith helping Derek to get his hand better and Derek supporting Meredith through her pregnancy).

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